
Letting Fly With Opinions About Existence of UFOs

Are visitors from outer space merely figments of our imaginations, hopes, dreams or nightmares . . . or did Billy Joe Bob really get sucked up out of that swamp in Louisiana and taken for a celestial joy ride?

Hot Topics wonders, “Do you believe in UFOs?”

“I believe in UFOs because there’s no other way to explain what happened to Elvis.” Anthony Goel, 17, senior, Ocean View

“No, because all people who have said they have seen UFOs have not had valid evidence to support their stories.” Sharif Elbayoumy, 16, junior, Esperanza

“I believe in UFOs because I was abducted by one last year, and they stole my last copy of the Enquirer.” Ryan Hamilton, 16, sophomore, St. Margaret’s


“There are too many unexplained sightings. The government has done a great job of covering everything up.”

Carol Quinn, 17, senior, Mission Viejo “I think that they (UFOs) are scared that we might harm them, and we are scared that they might harm us.” Tina Hoang, 14, freshman, Bolsa Grande

“Yeah, sure, because they come from space and I like space.” Grant Price, 17, senior, Fullerton


“I do and I don’t. I read the book ‘Communion,’ and it makes me believe in them. But I’ve never seen one.”

Kerrie Mills, 16, senior, Kennedy “I know UFOs exist because I saw ‘E.T.’ 45 times, and I believe, I believe!” Paul McGinnis, 17, junior, Ocean View

“No, because if they went to all the trouble to get here, why wouldn’t they make contact with us?” Emily Raat, 15, sophomore, El Modena


“Probably yes, because I think it’s pretty much the same as life after death.” Chrissy Nelson, 16, junior, Saddleback

“Due to religious belief, (I think) there is no known record of the creation of any being other than humans.” Chaon Cross, 14, freshman, Canyon

“The universe is an awfully big place, and there’s gotta be something out there weirder than me.” Deckard Hodge, 15, junior, Canyon

“Scientific studies have proven that even though millions and millions of light years away there’s a planet similar to earth, it’s too far away to get here.” Robert Hwang, 16, junior, University

“We have to be terribly egotistic to believe humans are the only form of intelligent life in this universe.” Huey Dang, 16, junior, Valencia

“I can’t imagine little green men in saucers coming to Earth.” Sneh Kanda, 15, junior, Kennedy


“Yes, because so many people in different places have seen the same things and don’t even know each other.” Danielle Whitener, 16, junior, Woodbridge

“When an alien comes up to me and sucks my brains out, then I’ll believe in UFOs.” Bernie Kim, 16, junior, El Toro

“UFOs represent other beings and intelligence greater than our own. Our future is yet to come.” Vanessa Kaselionis, 17, senior, Rosary

“No, because if they were real, they’d crash and we’d find some Martians.” Irene Ghafoori, 16, sophomore, Connelly

“I believe there might be something out there, but I don’t believe it will come in a spaceship.” Amy Deutsch, 16, junior, Los Alamitos

“The Bible never mentions life on other planets; however, that doesn’t mean that aliens do not exist. I personally believe that intelligent life does not exist on other planets.” Charles Kim, 17, senior, Servite


“No, because if there really was they would have communicated with us.” Danielle Garrison, 14, freshman, Orange

“I believe that several UFOs have come to the planet earth carrying aliens pursuing business ventures.” Joe Munsinger, 15, freshman, Huntington Beach

“No, because there are thousands of ways of explaining UFO sightings--airplanes, water balloons, clouds. . . . Of course, there could be the chance, but I don’t believe in them.” Vu Le, 16, junior, Tustin

“It has been shown on TV that they are out there. It is said that overnight the UFOs come down, and the next morning there is a perfect circle in the wheat field that wasn’t there the day before.” Tammy Allen, 17, senior, Brea-Olinda

“I don’t think so, (because) there are lots of objects that pass through the sky. It seems too outrageous and unrealistic.” Rosie Penaflor, 17, senior, Saddleback

“UFOs are all illusions in people’s minds.” Christi Jacobs, 17, senior, Woodbridge

“Yes I do, because no one really knows what’s out in space, and because no one can go far enough to find out.” Beth McCarty, 17, senior, Heritage


“Yeah, I think there are a lot of great people out there that we don’t know yet. . . . Besides, I’ve seen some.” Brooks Casas, 16, junior, Santa Margarita

“Sure, there’s always the possibility of UFOs, but I don’t like believing in things I can’t see--it leads to disappointment.” Joanna Isreali, 16, junior, Villa Park

Next Week’s Hot Topic:

Why are you proud of your school?
