
Smog Alerts

The Times’ editorial (‘Smog Watch: Breath Tests,” Sept. 15) that supported the proposed change in ozone first-stage smog alerts showed greater understanding of the health issue involved than the final vote of the state Air Resources Board (ARB).

The ARB decision to issue a “health advisory” message to the public instead of a first-stage smog alert message undermines years of effort by the South Coast Air Quality Management District and the American Lung Assn. Our efforts have been directed at increasing the awareness of exercising adults, parents of young children, school districts and individuals with breathing problems that strenuous physical activities should be rescheduled when smog alerts are forecast or attained.

Until we achieve healthful air quality, timely advice for self-protection is our lungs’ only defense. The ARB decision appears to be a compromise that is not in the best interest of public health. We can, and should do better.



Environmental and Occupational Health

Committee, American Lung Assn.

Redondo Beach
