
U.S. Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia

The Times (Sept. 21) reported that a Saudi representative said that if the United States balks at carrying through on a $20-billion arms deal with the Saudis, the sale will go to another country. Doubtless, the defense contractors are absolutely ecstatic about closing this deal, especially so since they’d also be called upon to supply the Israelis with arms.

The Saudis, according to Fred Dutton, the Saudi’s Washington representative, want the arms to contend with a continuing Iraqi threat. However, isn’t it a bit premature to be selling them all these arms to forestall a long-range Iraqi threat when the current situation hasn’t been resolved?

If world, or even Mideast peace, is truly a mutual goal for the United States and our allies in this crisis and if there is a chance of establishing a new world order, then why not seek a mutual agreement to simply not sell arms in this region, and hopefully nowhere else in the world. We and our allies can pressure Brazil, China and others to do likewise. Let’s at least try. Surely by now it’s becoming obvious that the arms being sold may well be used against the sellers in wars or by terrorists.


Let’s sincerely make world peace our primary objective. We owe it to all the dead and maimed GIs of our previous wars who thought they were fighting to make the world safe for democracy.


Costa Mesa
