
Drown Ads Hit Roache

Jack Drown, the underdog candidate for San Diego County sheriff, unveiled a television commercial Tuesday that attacks his opponent. It will begin airing this week.

Drown’s commercial, to appear on Southwestern Cable, which reaches about 180,000 subscribers in San Diego County, emphasizes his endorsements from three law enforcement organizations--the Deputy Sheriff’s Assn. of San Diego County, the Peace Officers Research Assn. of California and the California Narcotics Officer’s Assn.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Oct. 4, 1990 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Thursday October 4, 1990 San Diego County Edition Metro Part B Page 2 Column 6 Metro Desk 2 inches; 50 words Type of Material: Correction
Sheriff’s race endorsements--The Times reported incorrectly Tuesday that sheriff’s candidate Jim Roache has endorsements from the San Diego Police Officers Assn., and police departments in El Cajon, La Mesa, Oceanside, Chula Vista, Escondido, Carlsbad and Coronado. He does not hold endorsements from any of those law enforcement organizations.

Drown, an assistant sheriff, is facing Sheriff’s Capt. Jim Roache in next month’s election.


In the June primary, Roache gathered 32% of the vote and Drown 28% but many voters are still undecided, recent polls show.

In his 30-second commercial, which is to run 150 times a week on Cable News Network on Southwestern Cable, a voice asks: “Why is it that Jim Roache has no support from the law officers he has worked with for 20 years?”

The voice urges viewers to call Roache campaign headquarters and ask why.

Drown spent $23,000 for the commercial spots, a campaign aide said.

Roache said Drown used a similar message in radio ads but his office has collected fewer than 10 telephone calls from people.


He said Drown does not point out that Roache has endorsements from the San Diego Police Officers Assn., and police departments in El Cajon, La Mesa, Oceanside, Chula Vista, Escondido, Carlsbad and Coronado.
