
POP MUSIC REVIEWS : Reaching For the Ska

A decade after Britain’s ska bands arrived on the pop scene, an international brigade influenced by that infectious sound is kicking into high gear.

France’s Mano Negra was the first to tap into the manic, multi-rhythmic thrust of the Specials and Madness, and now you can add Maldita Vencidad to the list. The Mexico City sextet’s L.A. debut at Vertigo on Saturday had its flawed moments, but the Spanish-language performance was still impressive.

Ska was an integral but not predominant element in Maldita Vencidad’s attack. The material also mixed in a little straight reggae, some salsa and a few other Caribbean rhythms. Lead singer Roco and horn man Sax have the Elvis knocked-knee moves down cold.


The group (whose name translates as “damned neighborhood”) has been together for five years but still betrayed some inexperience by playing too fast and attempting too many things. When it slowed down and locked into the grooves, the group was far more effective.
