
Hussein’s Message to Americans

After listening to the taped message from Saddam Hussein (Part A, Sept. 26), a task I found distasteful but necessary, I am even more convinced that the actions President Bush took on Aug. 2 were correct.

Hussein’s complaint about the historic oppression of the Arabs may have some weight behind it, but arbitrarily attacking and taking over another country because of past territorial disputes is as immoral as the oppression he says he is fighting. And accusing Kuwait and the United States of conspiracy against Iraq shows how deep Hussein has had to dig to justify his actions against a fellow-Arab/Muslim state. What of the billions Kuwait loaned to Iraq during its war with Iran? What of the open trade with the U.S. during that same time? Do these sound like the results of a conspiracy against Iraq?

Now there is no turning back. Hussein must leave Kuwait voluntarily or the rest of the world will make him leave.



