
First Rachel Carson Award Given

Irvine resident Suzanne Baker, a junior at Cal State Fullerton, was named the first recipient of the Rachel Carson Scholarship Award in Conservation Biology.

Carson, the author of “Silent Spring,” was one of the first to bring attention to the effects on the environment of the use of DDT, a toxic pesticide. Baker, a naturalist who cares for animals at the Tucker Wildlife Sanctuary in Modjeska Canyon, also acquaints the public with the canyon’s wild habitats.

Gail I. Roberts of San Juan Capistrano has been elected president of the Advertising Production Assn. of Orange County. Roberts is production/traffic manager for Stiller Advertising Inc. in Costa Mesa.


Trudy Hawkins, 21, an Orange Coast College student and Tustin resident, has been named Grand Bethel Honored Queen of the International Order of Job’s Daughters for California.

The Tustin High graduate is a Past Honored Queen of Bethel No. 344 of Tustin. She plans to attend Cal State Long Beach and pursue a career in interior design.

Dr. Sid Adler was named Ambassador of the Year, Andrea Manes was named winner of the Athens Award and Arnie Pike was named Small Business Person of the Year at the recent Anaheim Chamber of Commerce’s 94th annual meeting and recognition dinner.


Anaheim resident Debbie Krebs, the convention services manager for the Anaheim Marriott, was named Marriott National Convention Services Manager of the quarter.

She was selected from a field of 140 candidates and will vie with three others for national manager of the year in the Marriott Hotels, Resorts and Suite competition.

Krebs, who has a degree in human services from Cal State Fullerton, joined the Marriott staff in 1985.


Dr. Sharon Kawai, the recipient of many awards from organizations that work with disabled people, has been selected to receive the 1990 Governor’s Trophy from the California Governor’s Committee for Employment of Disabled Persons.

Kawai, the medical director of rehabilitation services at St. Jude Medical Center in Fullerton, was cited for her achievements in significantly increasing public awareness of people with disabilities.
