
Inner-City Parks

The article by Jack Foley (Commentary, July 2) on the needs of our inner-city parks and their decline is no secret to the recreation directors who are assigned to program at these facilities. Crime, vandalism, and drugs are not as apparent in some communities as it is in others, i.e., the inner-city.

Development of top-rate programs in urban-impact areas takes more than green grass and pretty buildings to operate, it also takes committed recreation professionals. These professionals are faced with many difficult situations. The main plight is to make the center a safe place for the community. This is difficult since the park ranger program was cut back last April.

It is time for our commission and local politicians to be more aware of the struggles of the recreation professionals in the field. We understand that each community is different and that each may need different types of service with different fee structures.



President, Local 901, Recreation Unit

American Federation of State

County and Municipal Employees
