
Parking Structure Tops 3-Level Limit

Monterey Park has a problem. The city can’t count above three. Last year Monterey Park OKd Garfield Medical Center building a three-story parking structure; all city documents record three stories. As the construction proceeded above three stories, residents across the street complained that it was going higher than code. Past and present council members listened and to their discredit did nothing, absolutely nothing.

Instead, our city attorney, council and staff used the stupid, inane, dumb excuse that “it is a level,” “it is a spiral,” “it is a floor.” Bull!! What it really means is that our council and city attorney would not address the fact that this is an illegal parking structure. To get rid of this ugly reminder of their mistake, the council turned the matter over to the grand jury. Let’s hope justice prevails there. In the meantime, this parking structure will haunt every council member who voted for it.


Monterey Park
