
A Benign Mouse No Longer Fits the Image of Tough, Touchy Disney Co., Readers Suggest

Instead of a mouse with big ears, maybe a more fitting Walt Disney Co. symbol would be a mouse with pointed horns, as its conduct in recent years has been absolutely shameful (“Disney’s Tough Tactics, July 8). The once-friendly, lovable mouse has become “the mouse that roared.”

Among the firm’s actions: firing old men and others because they sported mustaches or beards, threatening to sue a children’s day-care center to prevent it from displaying Disney characters on its outer walls without company permission and churning out adult-oriented movies under the guise of Touchstone Pictures.

Disney, an organization whose mission was once to make children happy, has become a self-centered, intimidating bully whose main goal is to reap steadily rising profits at the expense of everything else. Rather than a symbol for the fulfillment of children’s dreams, Disney is becoming better known as a training ground for tough, greedy, heartless executives.



