
Law Mandates Treatment for Campus Rape Victims

Times Staff Writer

Gov. George Deukmejian has signed into law a bill (AB 3098) to require public and private colleges and universities to provide counseling and treatment to students, staff and faculty members who become rape victims.

The legislation resulted from a 1989 interim hearing held at UCLA where testimony revealed that some higher-educational facilities do not have a system in place to assist rape victims, according to Assemblywoman Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-Los Angeles), the sponsor of the measure.

Research also showed that rape occurs four times more frequently among young female college students than the overall rate for women, the chairwoman of Select Committee on Assistance to the Victims of Sexual Assault said.


“Colleges swept the seriousness of this issue under the carpet for fear it could bring bad press and consequently declining enrollments,” she said. “College rape victims were not receiving adequate care or counseling--and many cases are not even reported to the police.”

Effective Jan. 1, the new statute will require colleges and universities to adopt written procedures on sexual assault to deal with cases that happen on campus and at school events. GOVERNOR Bills Signed

Politicking: AB 2220 by Assemblyman Elihu Harris (D-Oakland) to provide civil penalties for state elected officials or employees who misuse state resources for campaign or personal purposes.


Airport Trespassing: AB 3147 by Assemblywoman Jackie Speier (D-South San Francisco) to expand the airport trespassing law to include entry by unauthorized people into posted restricted areas.

Lottery Prizes: AB 2847 by Assemblyman Richard Floyd (D-Carson) to require the state Lottery Commission to develop a model agreement for dividing the prize among group members who purchase a winning ticket.

Refunds and Exchanges: AB 3047 by Assemblywoman Carol Bentley (R-El Cajon) to require retailers who do not allow refunds or exchanges to disclose their return policies to consumers before goods are purchased.


Elderly: AB 1989 by Assemblyman Tom Hannigan (D-Fairfield) to establish standards for fire alarms and sprinkler systems for residential care homes for the elderly.

Asbestos: AB 2791 by Assemblywoman Jackie Speier (D-South San Francisco) to prohibit local agencies from issuing building demolition permits to applicants who have not complied with federal asbestos air pollution regulations.

Mobile Home Parks: AB 2944 by Assemblyman Steve Clute (D-Riverside) to require mobile home park owners to give resident groups at least 30 days notice of the intent to sell so tenants can bid to purchase parks.

Civil Actions: AB 3811 by Assembly Speaker Willie Brown (D-San Francisco) to allow parties to a civil action over age 70 to be granted trial calendar preference if the court makes specific findings. Bill Introductions Billboards: ACR 169 by Assemblyman Richard Katz (D-Sylmar) requests the state Department of Transportation to cease trimming or removing vegetation “solely to enhance the visibility of roadside advertising signs when there is no other reason to do so.” Capital Fact

The official state gemstone is the rare blue benitoite, which is found only in San Benito County.
