
Charges of Racism in Film Industry

LeGrand Clegg just doesn’t get it. In his response (letter, July 20) to a Times editorial that rightly castigates him for his bigotry, Clegg first denies that his views are anti-Semitic, and then launches into another attack on “Jewish racism in Hollywood.”

The fact is that Clegg has a track record, many years long, of anti-Semitic rabble-rousing, scurrilous attacks on Israel, and a fixation on Jews in the entertainment industry that borders on obsessive.

He is evidently unable to understand that any complaints he has about Hollywood must be addressed to the entertainment industry, not to the “Jews.” As has been noted time and again, apparently without comprehension by Clegg, MGM, Sony, Universal and the other studios do not have religious affiliations. They are publicly held corporations that produce films based upon what they hope will sell.



Chairman, Executive Committee

Pacific Southwest Regional Office

Anti-Defamation League
