
Connick Is New Standard

Sir, did you like or dislike Harry Connick Jr.’s concert? (“For Young Harry Connick, Old Times Are Good Times,” by Mike Boehm, July 9). I couldn’t tell, nor could anyone else that read it. I like Mr. Connick’s work tremendously. I think he is a breath of fresh air in a stagnant era of music. If it takes someone to breathe new life into old songs to get the music world going, then I think that is wonderful.

I must protest a comment of yours. “When it comes to the standards, Tony Bennett at 63 and Sinatra at 74 are better bets today, than Connick is ever likely to be.” That’s the biggest load of stuff I have read in a long time. Have you listened to either of those “gentlemen” lately? Comparing a 22-year-old man, just starting out, to two aging Lotharios, is a complete joke. I loved Sinatra in his early years, and as for Mr. Bennett, well I won’t get into that, but Harry Connick Jr. is someone I look forward to hearing and seeing more of. His stylings are unique, his stage manners zestful and I have fallen in love with the standards again. Now I don’t have to hit the oldies section of the record store, I can look forward to hearing them done over, by someone with loads of talent.


