
COSTA MESA : Free Directory Lists Child-Care Services

A listing of child-care services in Costa Mesa has been mailed to all city residents and is also available at no charge at City Hall.

The directory contains listings of day-care programs and youth recreation programs available in the city, as well as a checklist of items for parents to look for in a child-care provider.

The 10-member Child Care Committee received requests from several day-care centers and programs that cater to youth to provide a comprehensive list for residents, said Glen Stroud, recreation supervisor in the city Community Services Department.


“We’re not recommending any of these providers,” Stroud said. “All we’re doing is providing those who have a need with a place to begin. The parents have to decide what is best for them.”

The committee issued a similar directory two years ago but updated the list with more child-care providers this year, Stroud said.

Altogether, the city published 46,000 directories, mailing the bulk of them at a cost of $4,440. The directories are available on the third floor of City Hall, 77 Fair Drive.
