
Malibu : City Attorney Selected

Malibu voters can meet the fledgling city’s first staff member--and so far its only one--at 7:30 tonight when Michael Jenkins, the city attorney, appears before the City Council-elect.

The five-member council announced Jenkins’ hiring Monday, the same day a California appeals court ruled that Los Angeles County can delay Malibu’s official incorporation until next year.

“My first order of business for Malibu is to review the court’s decision with the council to see what action to take,” said Jenkins. “After that we’ll look at a long list of start-up problems for this special city.”


Hiring legal counsel to guide it through a maze of lawsuits and other problems has been a priority for the council-elect, even though the proposed city has no money. “Basically I’m operating on good faith with the council,” said Jenkins, “but this isn’t unusual with a new community.” Once Malibu incorporates, tax dollars will flow into the city treasury.

Jenkins is affiliated with the Los Angeles firm of Richards, Watson and Gershon, which specializes in municipal law and represents about 18 Southern California communities. “It’s a premier firm,” said Malibu attorney Barry Haldeman, who chaired the search committee.

Jenkins has a law degree from Duke University and is president-elect of the Los Angeles County City Attorneys’ Assn. He is also on the faculty of USC Law School.
