
Raiders Will Take Time on Oakland Deal : Football: Al Davis has 45 days to consider package approved by supervisors. Owner agreed

From Associated Press

Al Davis, who said yes quickly to an earlier offer from Oakland, figures to take a little longer this time around before saying whether he’ll move the Raiders back to their former home.

The owner of the Raiders has 45 days to consider a deal, approved Tuesday by the Alameda County Board of Supervisors, that includes $60 million in improvements at the Oakland Coliseum. Davis is being asked to sign a 15-year lease.

“It’s a complex document,” said Jack Brooks, a Raiders partner who has taken part in negotiations with the city and county.


Brooks said he will take his time in studying the 1,000-page document before making any recommendation to Davis, who moved the Raiders to Los Angeles in 1982 after the team’s lease expired in Oakland. The Raiders’ lease at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum expires after the 1991 season.

Earlier this year, a Raider-conceived deal including $600 million in ticket revenue guaranteed by the city and county was approved by local officials, and Davis announced immediately he intended to bring the team back as soon as possible.

But before there were any papers for him to sign, the Oakland offer was rescinded under community pressure, with critics charging that local governments would be putting themselves in great financial risk.


The county supervisors voted 4 to 1 Tuesday in favor of the new offer, with Warren Widener dissenting.

The new deal calls for $127 million in bonds to be paid off through anticipated ticket revenues. The planned football improvements include adding 15,000 seats.
