
Women Get 4 Years in Slaying of Ex-Friend

Two women who beat a 20-year-old San Fernando woman to death with a baseball bat were sentenced Monday to four years in state prison.

Dawn Rodriguez, 21, of San Fernando and Socorro Mauricio, 21, of Pacoima pleaded guilty in March to voluntary manslaughter in connection with the death of Elizabeth Valdivia.

Valdivia was beaten to death as she walked home from work on the night of June 13, 1989. Rodriguez and Mauricio were arrested a short time later. Investigators said the three women had been friends, and that Rodriguez and Mauricio were upset by a breakup in the relationship.


Valdivia’s family members urged San Fernando Superior Court Judge John H. Major to impose a tough sentence on Rodriguez and Mauricio. “They have to pay for what they did,” said Victor Valdivia, brother of the deceased woman.
