
Countywide : CSUN Campus Near Capacity for Fall

The Ventura branch of Cal State Northridge is virtually full for the fall semester and has stopped accepting undergraduate applications for all but one program.

“Right now, we have more students than we have classes for,” campus director Joyce Kennedy said. “Frankly, I find it kind of alarming. It focuses on the enormous need in Ventura County for additional opportunities for higher education.”

Applications are usually accepted at least until Aug. 1. Increased demand has forced officials to move the deadline up in recent years, officials said. However, applications for the undergraduate health education program will be accepted until Aug. 1, as well as applications for some graduate programs.


Last semester, the campus had space for the equivalent of about 370 full-time students. That will increase to about 450 for the 1990-91 school year, Kennedy said. About 1,100 mostly part-time students are enrolled at the campus.

That projected growth will not be sufficient to accommodate the students seeking to enroll, Kennedy said.

Estimating that the deadline for the spring, 1991, semester could be as early as September, school officials urged students to apply as soon as possible.
