
Overcoming Obstacles to Peace Talks Between Israel and Arabs

Regarding Tarbush’s column, let us set the record straight. The recent unfortunate killing of seven Palestinian workers was the act of one deranged and repugnant individual.

Both the Israeli government and the public in general deplored and condemned such a shameful incident. A few extremists ignited by the violence of the intifada might not have been totally disgusted by such barbarism, but the vast majority of Israelis were shocked and saddened to see such inhumane action. As with all criminals, the deranged assassin is being tried in an Israeli court and will be dealt with harshly. Although their pain cannot be assuaged, the government of Israel has decided to compensate the victims’ families as an act of goodwill.

One can only wish that Arab citizens and leaders despise the killing of innocent civilians, be it Israeli or Arab, just as much.


If Tarbush is sincere about peace and justice, he should have no trouble understanding why attempted terrorist raids on innocent civilians bathing in a beach must also be condemned.

Arafat’s failure to deal with Abu Abbas, the leader of the PLO group that organized the terrorist raid, signals his unwillingness to renounce terrorism, or his ineffectiveness as a civilized and reliable leader of the Palestinian people.


Tokyo, Japan
