
Searching for American Heroes

David M. Kennedy’s article “America Searches for Content in Heroes, in Values” (Opinion, July 8) echoed similar feelings in me. How is it we take our feelings for granted while foreigners tend to speak “with unabashed reverence about things like freedom and democracy?” They have “the discomforting habit of invoking our national icons and quoting our national heroes in defense of liberty.” Is it so unsophisticated and simple-minded for us Americans to pay homage and worship our own native American heroes while we “lionize the visitors and not the locals”?

If only the passionate crowds that greet our rock mega-stars and sports heroes would display such unabashed affection and enthusiasm for our own public heroes--those who command and have earned our love and respect.

Who are they?

Men and women--teachers, scientists, judges, senators, businessmen, painters, writers, etc., etc.


Let us name them while they are still alive. Let’s not wait until our national symbols have become “marbled figures turned into tourist attractions.”


