
President’s Son and Bailouts of Failed Savings and Loans

So now we’re supposed to weep and moan with George and Barbara Bush as they agonize over the fate of their son Neil and his troubles with the Silverado Banking, Savings & Loan (“Bush Discloses Anguish Over Son’s Troubles,” front page, July 12). What about weeping for the taxpayers who have to shell out $150 billion (or is up to $300 billion now? Or $600 billion? Or a trillion?) to bail out the savings and loan industry?

What about those depositors who lost thousands and thousand of extra dollars when the Silverado investigation was postponed so it would fall after the 1988 presidential election?

Now we all know, of course, that George Bush was out of the loop on that decision, just as all know he was out of the loop on Iran-Contra, right? Want to know what’s happening? Just read George’s lips. And keep weeping for poor Neil.



Los Angeles
