
GOODWILL GAMES : Reagan Gives Games Theme of Freedom

From Associated Press

The Goodwill Games got their official sendoff in a welcoming ceremony Saturday night, highlighted by rap music, the Soviet Union’s Vladimir Chamber Choir and greetings from former President Reagan.

The ceremony, produced at a cost of $1.2 million and starring more than 2,000 performers, was attended by more than 70,000 people.

“Freedom is on the march around the world and it cannot be stopped,” Reagan said. “And so tonight, I speak to you--the greatest athletes in the world--with a renewed sense of joy.”


The ceremony, at Husky Stadium, was produced by Barnett Lipton of Eventures, who did the 88-grand piano halftime show at the 1988 Super Bowl.

“It’s a time of world celebration that we’re all healthy and the Cold War has come to an end,” said Ted Turner, originator of the Goodwill Games.
