
Drought and Porter Ranch

Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley and the City Council have been loudly braying that we are in a profoundly dangerous drought and at the same time promoting the Porter Ranch development (“City Council OKs Massive Porter Ranch Development,” July 12) that at last count has 3,395 homes with 11,000 occupants. These will be upscale homes that will, no doubt, have multiple toilets being flushed multiple times, swimming pools being filled, and refilled, showers being showered and lawns being sprinkled. This on top of West Los Angeles’ proposed development, Donald Trump’s reach to the stars and Marina expansion.

Glendale’s civic dads (and moms) are also telling us to not brush our teeth so often and at the same time helping to fill the skies with more high-rises. You can read my lips when I suggest these projects use vast amounts of water. If we really are sincere about water conservation how about a moratorium on sewer hookups a la Santa Barbara or would this put a premium on community service over lip service.


