
Drought and Porter Ranch

I’m shocked by the City Council’s lack of foresight in approving the Porter Ranch development project. This project epitomizes the kind of rampant and ill-conceived development that currently plagues our entire city. Incredibly, just the impact of this one massive project on our already considerable traffic, air pollution and waste disposal problems has the potential of bringing this great city to its knees. Yet the council approves this project unanimously.

This vote flies in the face of all reason and the overwhelming majority of citizens who oppose it. The repercussions of this vote will be far-reaching and costly. It will cost the taxpayers to clean up the mess it brings. It will cost the city its reputation as a quality of life world leader and it will cost those shortsighted council members at election time their status as representatives for having shown the voters that they stand with the developers against the interests of Los Angeles and the desires of the citizens.


Granada Hills
