
‘View From the Library’--a Response

Re “View From the Nixon Library” by Robert A. Jones (July 17): Open your eyes, Mr. Jones! What do you know of Yorba Linda? Does this man not realize that Yorba Linda is different from its neighboring towns and counties?

As a native of California, I have lived in the Bay Area, West Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley and Yorba Linda. After residing in this community for 11 years, I can attest to its many attributes. These include bridle trails for the local equestrians, green belts, beautiful new homes (some in excess of $1 million), good schools and true community spirit. This is no small farming community!

Just because we don’t have an ocean view, I would hardly classify our town as “the bowels of Orange County,” as Mr. Jones stated. This is no purgatory!


As for Pomona, it’s 20 miles away. Our neighbors are more likely to be Anaheim Hills and Villa Park.

“Our town” is a town I am most proud of.


Yorba Linda
