
Limiting Sales of Spray Paint to Curb Graffiti

Torres’ proposal to outlaw spray paint cans is one of the most stupid ideas to float out of our Legislature in some time. To outlaw a very useful device simply because the police cannot or will not enforce existing laws against a group of juveniles makes no sense.

In the first place, the problem is not a state matter but should be solved on the local level. If the police would put a fraction of as much effort--as for example, they put into chasing prostitutes--into trapping these pests, and then if the courts would simply impose deliberate and hurtful punishments, we could see the problem go away in a few months.

There are enough laws on the books already to cope with these mindless vandals. We simply have to enforce the laws we have and then punish those who despoil our community.


To say that they can’t be fined because they have no assets overlooks what these creatures value. If they have no money, seize their bicycles or motorcycles. Skateboards and TV are fair game as well as the baseball caps and the T-shirts with the silly slogans. After we’ve impoverished them down to a few clean clothes and some schoolbooks, put them to work for a month of Sunda2037588073The message would get around.


Los Angeles
