
Handcuffing the Locals in Tobacco War

The powerful tobacco lobby in Sacramento is close to obtaining legislation that would take away the authority of local communities to block distribution of cigarettes to minors. Like those fighting the war against illicit drugs, our local officials understand that while they cannot attack tobacco at the “source” by halting supply or advertising, they can “interdict” it in their communities. They can stop tobacco peddlers from preying on the young by restricting cigarette vending machines and free samples. If these outlets are removed, common sense suggests that fewer kids will become smokers.

The cigarette companies obviously agree or they would not be fighting so ferociously for legislation to block these local efforts.

Will the Legislature be pressured into putting the state’s seal of approval on the promotion of America’s deadliest drug to minors?


Terry B. Friedman (D-Los Angeles) , chairman of the Assembly Ways and Means subcommittee on health and human services , and William I. Rothbard, Los Angeles attorney and president of Americans for Nonsmokers Rights.
