
FULLERTON : Travelers Invited to Hostel Open House

The Fullerton Hacienda American International Youth Hostel in Brea Dam Park is holding an open house today from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Tours will be given of the former dairy farm that provides low-cost lodging for about 5,000 travelers a year.

There will be free food and games for visitors.

“We’re inviting people who are thinking of doing some traveling and want to see what a hostel is like, or for people who just don’t know about the Fullerton hostel,” hostel manager Caryl Teplitsky said.


The Fullerton facility is part of a worldwide network of more than 5,600 hostels in the International Youth Hostel Federation, which provide accommodations for budget travelers in 67 countries. The hostel can be reached by turning off Harbor Boulevard, between Brea Boulevard and Bastanchury Road, at the Brea Dam Park entrance, near St. Jude Hospital and Rehabilitation Center.

For information, call (714) 738-3721.
