
Answers From Baby Doomers on Whether They’re Apathetic

Your article, “Media Study Finds ‘Age of Indifference,’ ” really upset me. These so-called “studies” are never accurate (they probably talk to two people and their dog), and in the case of this survey of the 18-30-year-old age group, it was definitely not right!

If it is correct, I must be so different from my generation that it is unbelievable, at least when it comes to reading newspapers. I’m 26, and I read The Times every day. I enjoy reading, and I always have. It has helped me to become aware of issues. I am not ignorant of things that are going on!

I admit that I don’t vote, but it is not apathy which causes me not to. My generation saw the fall of President Richard Nixon at a young age, and it caused us to not trust people in high office. I do believe that Nixon and Vietnam caused us to be the way we are.

And anyway, why should anyone care about politicians who care more about how good they look and sound on TV, and also about how viciously they can cut down their opponent, rather than the issues?


I feel that my generation would care about things if we had someone or something to believe in. About the only person that I’ve cared about in recent years is Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. When he says that he’s going to do something, he does it. I can’t say this about our leaders--they are all talk and no action. But now, Gorbachev is failing. This doesn’t do my generation any good. We already feel that there are no heroes. Seeing that Gorbachev is failing only reinforces my belief, and also the belief of others in my generation.

I don’t like to see that my age group is being blamed for the proliferation of TV garbage like “Geraldo” and “A Current Affair”! Isn’t it the baby-boomer generation that grew up in the 1960s that the media love so much?

I hope that you’ll get my generation right next time! I mean, this is an insult! Why is everyone so bent on cutting down my generation and everything that matters to us?


This has to stop!

P.S. I don’t care much for government or business, by the way!


