
Mail Facility Studied for Antelope Valley

U.S. Postal Service officials announced Thursday that they hope to build a mail facility in the Antelope Valley in the next several years as part of an effort to improve service and shorten delivery times in the area.

Regional Postmaster William Jackson said the new facility could be anything from a 200,000-square-foot mail processing center on about 20 acres to a substantially smaller distribution center, depending on the outcome of studies on the area’s service needs.

“We’ve got to manage and service the growth in the Antelope Valley area,” Jackson said. “We’ve got what was a rural area rapidly becoming an urban area.” He said his Van Nuys-based postal headquarters should have a specific proposal for the Antelope Valley facility by next month.


The Postal Service’s goal will be to give Antelope Valley residents overnight delivery of letters addressed to at least some Los Angeles areas. Now it usually takes two days to get mail to Los Angeles. Any new facility would require approval from postal officials in Washington.
