
Cities Must Unite to Aid Homeless

We write this to bring to the attention of your readers, particularly in the South Bay, the growing problem of homelessness among us.

This phenomenon is not just “over there,” in Bangladesh, Brazil or even downtown Los Angeles. It is here! Los Angeles County is estimated to have up to 160,000 homeless people; 32,000 are children. Even in the affluent South Bay, charitable groups are feeding over 400 homeless people.

Some cities in the county, notably Long Beach and Santa Monica, are doing something to assist homeless men, women and children regain self-esteem and become productive, self-sufficient citizens. Unfortunately, there is a resistance in many cities to address homelessness due to the fear of being overwhelmed by a surge of substance-abusers and psychologically disturbed people. There are many who would rather ignore the problem than admit it exists in their community.


The South Bay cities, being too small to tackle the problem individually, seem to be letting things slide. It is necessary that these cities band together to address the issue, assess the extent of the problem and develop joint approaches. The passage of Proposition 107 should help promote low-cost housing, which most experts agree is the primary need to battle and prevent homelessness. Charitable organizations exist, which can help match available housing to a screened group of responsible, yet needy, readers.

Taking preventive actions now benefit all of us by slowing the number of South Bay citizens becoming homeless, not by their choice, but by unfortunate circumstances. We must first dispel the myths and misconceptions surrounding homelessness, so that our decisions are based on accurate information rather than blind perception.

Those interested in contributing their efforts can call the South Bay Homeless Coalition. (Chairwoman Michelle May), at (213) 782-6386. We invite you to give true meaning in your life to “ E Pluribus Unum.


Manhattan Beach


San Pedro


Redondo Beach


Long Beach


Hermosa Beach
