
Exhibition Honors Women and Reform

One hundred years after the start of the decade that proved pivotal for the U.S. women’s movement, an exhibition at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C, commemorates women’s political contributions.

“From Parlor to Politics: Women and Reform in America, 1890-1925” offers about 275 photographs and more than 700 objects, including sheet music, playbills, silk banners and buttons.

The exhibition focuses on such endeavors as the temperance movement, women’s suffrage, the home economics movement and labor reforms.


A red shawl that became activist Susan B. Anthony’s trademark when she lobbied Congress for women’s right to vote is on display.

Other items related to pioneers in political campaigns include Frances Willard’s traveling tea set that made an anti-alcohol statement, and the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Jane Addams for a lifetime of efforts toward world peace.

One portion of the exhibit re-creates Chicago’s famous Hull House settlement and social experiment, established by Addams in 1889.


Visitors will see textiles and furniture that were made in the house, the birthplace of social work as a profession.

“From Parlor to Politics” continues indefinitely at the museum, 14th Street and Constitution Avenue N.W. Hours: daily, 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. For more information, call (202) 357-2700.

Smokeless: In case you missed it, smoking is now prohibited on all Greyhound Lines intercity service. Smokers may indulge at rest stops and in terminals unless prohibited by city ordinances or state laws. Greyhound makes these stops at least every four hours and usually every two.


Hungary for travel: Malev Airlines, citing increased business and leisure travel to Hungary, has opened an office in Los Angeles, at 1888 Century Park East, Suite 410, L.A. 90067; telephone (213) 286-7980.

Fly buy: Air New Zealand passengers flying to Australia can now take advantage of the airline’s “Aussie and Harriet” special. Fly Air New Zealand round trip to Sydney or Melbourne from Los Angeles for $949 and the airline will give each passenger $150 worth of free hotel accommodations, rental cars and/or sightseeing attractions.

The special includes a free stopover in Auckland, New Zealand, and Honolulu, and is valid through Aug. 31. A 21-day advance purchase is required. For more information, call Air New Zealand at (800) 262-2468.

Honolulu wiki wiki: Hawaiian Airlines has increased flight frequency between Los Angeles and Honolulu from seven to 17 flights weekly. The airline has added a second daily wide-body L-1011 flight and a third L-1011 flight that will operate on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday.

No kidding: In a recent Hilton Hotels survey, kids were asked what they would most like to take with them on vacation. Most popular responses were a book (71%), a video game or Nintendo set (68%), a favorite doll or toy (60%) and a pet (53%). Among the other answers: lots of gum, New Kids on the Block posters, a go-cart, computer, electric guitar, strobe light, microwave, the house, a statue and a doll house. A total of 300 children, ages 6 to 12, were interviewed in 10 cities. The most unusual responses may have been “all 77 of my Breyer horses” and “a ceiling fan.”

Stop the presses: A recent news release from Cathay Pacific Airways announcing its new Los Angeles-Hong Kong service included a list of awards won by the carrier. Among the honors cited was this 1987 designation from Great Britain’s Business Traveller magazine: “Best White Wine in Business Class.”


Nicaragua update: Travel warnings to Nicaragua have been officially lifted by the State Department. However, tourists are still recommended to exercise caution when traveling to the country, especially in the extreme northern and mountain areas, which may be sown with minefields.
