
Will on Hong Kong Refugees

George Will states that it would be prudent and honorable of Britain to offer the 3 million Hong Kong citizens who hold British passports the opportunity to move to Britain when China takes over Hong Kong in 1997 (“Don’t Leave Hong Kong in a Lurch,” Commentary, July 8).

I strongly disagree. Unlike the U.S., Britain is a very homogenous country and we are not at all comfortable with absorbing large numbers of people of a different race and culture, especially when it isn’t necessary. I believe this resistance is quite natural and typical of most cultures and should not be sneered at as Will tends to do. (The disgusting British soccer fans he mentions are no more typically English than your cowardly drive-by killers are typically American. Thank God.)

As for honor--Hong Kong and Britain have both benefited from our past connection and while Britain should be very supportive that does not mean inviting millions of them home to stay.



Los Angeles
