
Line Goes Dead on Nation’s Last Crank Phones

From Associated Press

A bit of Americana slipped into history Thursday when the nation’s last known operating hand-cranked, party-line telephone system was disconnected--replaced by private-line, touch-tone technology.

The Depression-era, single-line, ring-down system had been the link to the rest of the world for the 18 year-round residents of the rugged Salmon River canyon.

Parties on the line could crank the magneto to ring others along the line or the central office for a connection to town numbers and long distance.


The demise of the system was set a year ago when AT&T; said computerization would require the elimination of the local operator.

Residents along the wilderness river had mixed feelings about losing the system, which they felt fit in well with their lifestyle.

“It’s a raggedy old thing,” operator Steve Freestone said. “They’ve got it nailed to trees and mountains. Most of the time you have to yell pretty loud to talk to people down river.”
