
San Diego

A claim accusing the San Diego Unified Port District of negligence and “wrongfully” withholding money has been filed by the firm that built the San Diego Convention Center.

In the claim, the Tutor-Saliba-Perini Corp. of Sylmar, accuses the port of failing to pay for “money owed under the terms of the contract, money owed for extra work done at the express direction of the district, money owed for acceleration of work, money owed for extended overhead and delay and money owed, including attorneys’ fees, for breach of the agreement.”

The claim states that, from the commencement of the contract in March 1987, the port was also negligent in providing information regarding construction of the convention center.


The claim, filed by the firm’s attorney, concludes by saying that the company intends to file a lawsuit against the port.

“It is our longstanding policy not to comment on pending litigation,” said Dan Wilkens, a Port District spokesman.

Wilkens pointed out that the port has a number of lawsuits pending against it, including complaints over airport noise, toxic pollution in San Diego Bay and a suit by Torrey Enterprises, owner of the San Diego Marriott Hotel, claiming damages suffered due to the convention center’s delayed opening.


The filing of the claim is a legal prerequisite to filing a lawsuit. It’s up the Board of Port Commissioners to accept or reject the claim.
