
Duarte : Private School Gets Permit

Despite opposition from some residents, the City Council unanimously granted a conditional-use permit for a private school in Arcadia to relocate to a church property on Bradbourne Avenue.

Anita Oaks School, formerly Anoakia School, will be the first private school in the city. It will have an estimated 350 students from preschool to eighth grade and will operate out of the First Assembly of God Church, 822 Bradbourne Ave.

The council’s decision Tuesday night came after a three-hour public hearing. Parents, school officials and students spoke in favor of granting the permit, saying that Duarte needs an alternative school system. Neighboring residents, especially senior citizens living in the adjacent Treelane Mobile Home Park, said they are against the noise and increased traffic they expect the school to bring.


Among conditions set by the council for operation of the school are a noise-level study and an eight-foot wall between the school and the mobile home park.
