
CYPRESS : Public’s Help Sought in Infant-Death Case

Police investigators, stymied in their efforts to identify a baby found dead in a garbage can last week, are turning to the public for help.

Police need information from anyone who may have known or noticed a pregnant woman who was recently nearing delivery but is now without a newborn. Investigators have already checked one such tip but it proved false, said Lt. Phillip Satterfield, who is heading the investigation.

“A child is dead, and we don’t have clue one right now,” he said.

The body of the newborn girl was found in a garbage can about 6:15 a.m. last Friday by a groundskeeper at Forest Lawn Memorial Park, at the northern edge of Cypress. Police are still awaiting autopsy results, but early indications point to exposure as the cause of death.


Anyone with information on the case should call the Cypress Police Department at (714) 229-6600.
