
A Guide to the Best of Southern California : SHOPTALK : Buried Treasure

“A hoy there, mate! We’ve gathered many a treasure from foreign shores. . . .” Who said that? Relax, it’s only the electronically wired pirate dummy stationed by the front door, the first clue that you’ve embarked on a voyage into the unusual. Indeed, the nautical treasures waiting to be discovered in The Sea are wondrous and plentiful--much like the wonders of the sea itself.

A circus of giant fiberglass dolphins, sharks and whales hangs from the ceiling. Skeletons of sea mammals adorn the walls. As you navigate your way through the aisles, you’ll encounter shells most landlubbers never knew existed, scrimshaw, minerals, fossils, ships in bottles and naval relics. If it’s related to the seven seas, you’ll find it here--somewhere.

The Sea, 305 N. Harbor Blvd., San Pedro; (213) 831-1694.
