
Dannemeyer’s Attack on Mandela Termed Shameful

The shame and embarrassment of being a constituent of Rep. William E. Dannemeyer is overwhelming. Every time the man opens his mouth, I cringe with horror.

However, to compare Nelson Mandela to Willie Horton is sinking to an all-time low, even for Mr. Dannemeyer. I guess since President Bush got so much mileage out of Mr. Horton during the presidential race, Mr. Dannemeyer, not being a particularly clever man, figured it was time to dredge him up again.

Well, Mr. Dannemeyer, you once again have shown the country what kind of person you are. You appeal to the worst element in mankind--ignorance--and my only wish is to suddenly make you black and living in Soweto. I would love to hear some of your thoughts then.


Until then, you sit on your throne in Orange County, comfortable being the elder statesman for right-wing extremist views. You do not represent Orange County, though; you represent intolerance, hatred and bigotry. Those qualities do not have political boundaries but flourish under the leadership of men like you.


