
Merrifield Deserves Praise for Role at Pic ‘N’ Save

I’ve become resigned to seeing the things I like being taken over by MBAs and turned into dull textbook-case enterprises designed to maximize profits. But how will I replace the Pic ‘N’ Save experience?

Shopping at Pic ‘N’ Save had become a family addiction. Years ago, I shopped there for plastic flowers, cheap birthday prizes and stocking stuffers. And, of course, the “finds.” My daughters tagged along. As adults, they caught the addiction, and we laughed when their daughters at age 3 started asking to go to Pic ‘N’ Save.

But junk is junk, whether arranged neatly on shelves or annoyingly dumped in piles. There are too many Pic ‘N’ Save stores and not enough “goodies” to go around. Lately I’ve found myself leaving the store without purchasing anything. A year ago, that would have been unimaginable. None of us are going there very often now.


So to the expert on the resale market and the guy who’s been doing all the expanding, we probably won’t be seeing you. But thanks, Pic ‘N’ Save, for 20 years of fun.


San Diego
