
Truck Passengers

I read with interest your editorial, “The Human Cargo in the Back of Trucks” (June 20). The last sentence hit home, “So there’s really only one place for everyone to go . . . that’s up to the front of the truck, by choice.”

As a Los Angeles motor cop I couldn’t agree with you more. But, unfortunately, life is not always black and white.

Daily, in the course of my traffic enforcement, I will stop families with children riding in the back of pickup trucks.


After stopping the driver, and approaching the truck, I will discover two more infants in car seats, a child sitting on the floorboard, and mom pressed against the right passenger door.

Now here is a family man, with six children and a wife, barely making ends meet. The only mode of transportation is dad’s truck that he uses for work. Now, I could cite him on a daily basis, but what would that prove?

The laws are on the books, but it’s not always that easy.


Los Angeles
