
Glendale Fire Victims May Be Entitled to Property Tax Breaks

Glendale homeowners burned out by last week’s fire may be entitled to property tax reductions and refunds, according to the county assessor’s office.

Press Deputy Robert Knowles said the state’s Revenue and Taxation Code permits a re-evaluation of any property that suffers more than $5,000 in damage due to a natural disaster such as a flood, earthquake or fire.

A special task force will process applications for property tax relief from the owners of the 66 homes damaged or destroyed in last Wednesday’s Glendale fire. Property owners have 60 days from last Wednesday to file their applications. For information, telephone the assessor’s downtown office at (213) 974-3332 or 974-8658, or the regional Glendale office at (818) 441-7100.


Last week, the Federal Emergency Management Agency said eligible homeowners would be entitled to low-interest federal loans of up to $100,000 per household.
