

Researched by: KATHIE BOZANICH / Los Angeles Times

1. SEAL BEACH (extends from the San Gabriel River jetty south to Anderson Street) Total 1989 attendance: 2,589,000 Total rescues: 863 Preventive actions: ---- Boat rescues: 76 Boat assists: 49 Major medical aid: 9 Minor medical aid: 831 Calls for ambulance: 17 Missing children reports: 122 City ordinance warnings and violations: 14,000 Citations issued: ---- Arrests: ---- Police calls or assists: 157 Logged public contact: 2,657 Unlogged public contact: 52,253 Estimated percentage of people on the beach who wade in the water, high season: 85% Estimated percentage of people on the beach who swim in the water, high season: 60%

2. HUNTINGTON BEACH (extends from Bolsa Chica State Beach south to Beach Boulevard) Total 1989 attendance: 6,021,235 Total rescues: 1,987 Preventive actions: 11,753 Boat rescues: 26 Boat assists: ---- Major medical aid: 441 Minor medical aid: 862 Calls for ambulance: 112 Missing children reports: 137 City ordinance warnings and violations: ---- Citations issued: 85 Arrests: 2 Police calls or assists: 46 Logged public contact: ---- Unlogged public contact: 200,253 Estimated percentage of people on the beach who wade in the water, high season: 65% Estimated percentage of people on the beach who swim in the water, high season: 50%

3. NEWPORT BEACH (extends from the Santa Ana River jetty south to Cameo Shores) Total 1989 attendance: 8,942,235 Total rescues: 4,618 Preventive actions: 54,226 Boat rescues: 547 Boat assists: ---- Major medical aid: ---- Minor medical aid: 1,869 Calls for ambulance: 82 Missing children reports: 86 City ordinance warnings and violations: 403 Citations issued: ---- Arrests: ---- Police calls or assists: ---- Logged public contact: ---- Unlogged public contact: ---- Estimated percentage of people on the beach who wade in the water, high season: 65% Estimated percentage of people on the beach who swim in the water, high season: 35%


4. LAGUNA BEACH (extends from Irvine Cove south to Nyes Place at Victoria Beach) Total 1989 attendance: 1,433,016 Total rescues: 1,335 Preventive actions: 26,633 Boat rescues: ---- Boat assists: ---- Major medical aid: ---- Minor medical aid: 2,434 Calls for ambulance: ---- Missing children reports: ---- City ordinance warnings and violations: 42,540 Citations issued: ---- Arrests: ---- Police calls or assists: ---- Logged public contact: ---- Unlogged public contact: ---- Estimated percentage of people on the beach who wade in the water, high season: 65% Estimated percentage of people on the beach who swim in the water, high season: 50%

5. SAN CLEMENTE (extends from Avenida Pico south to Dije Court) Total 1989 attendance: 2,015,100 Total rescues: 2,039 Preventive actions: ---- Boat rescues: 7 Boat assists: ---- Major medical aid: 17 Minor medical aid: 541 Calls for ambulance: 21 Missing children reports: 143 City ordinance warnings and violations: ---- Citations issued: 181 Arrests: ---- Police calls or assists: ---- Logged public contact: 41,204 Unlogged public contact: ---- Estimated percentage of people on the beach who wade in the water, high season: 66% Estimated percentage of people on the beach who swim in the water, high season: 50%

6. SAN CLEMENTE, DOHENY AND SAN ONOFRE STATE BEACHES Total 1989 attendance: 1,906,000 Total rescues: 696 Preventive actions: 8,194 Boat rescues: 62 Boat assists: ---- Major medical aid: 180 Minor medical aid: 600 Calls for ambulance: 30 Missing children reports: ---- City ordinance warnings and violations: ---- Citations issued: ---- Arrests: ---- Police calls or assists: 4,172 Logged public contact: ---- Unlogged public contact: 29,761 Estimated percentage of people on the beach who wade in the water, high season: 95% Estimated percentage of people on the beach who swim in the water, high season: 85%


7. HUNTINGTON BEACH, BOLSA CHICA AND CRYSTAL COVE STATE BEACHES AND PARKS Total 1989 attendance: 7,000,000 Total rescues: 2,239 Preventive actions: 20,711 Boat rescues: 55 Boat assists: ---- Major medical aid: 146 Minor medical aid: 848 Calls for ambulance: 106 Missing children reports: ---- City ordinance warnings and violations: ---- Citations issued: 1,276 Arrests: 93 Police calls or assists: ---- Logged public contact: ---- Unlogged public contact: ---- Estimated percentage of people on the beach who wade in the water, high season: 85% Estimated percentage of people on the beach who swim in the water, high season: 50%

DEFINITIONS PREVENTIVE ACTIONS--Warnings, announcements, anything that involves physically contacting the individual in danger. HIGH SEASON--Those days between Memorial Day and Labor Day as well as any other day on which inland temperatures reach 80 degrees. BOAT RESCUES--Any type of aquatic vehicle rescue or towing MAJOR MEDICAL AID--When it is recommended the beach-goer see a doctor; examples: fracture, severe laceration, stingray bite. MINOR MEDICAL AID--Something the lifeguards can take care of themselves and the beach-goer can go back to what he or she was doing; examples: jellyfish sting, a small cut or sand in an eye. If medical aid was not broken down to major or minor, the total, if available, is listed under minor. CITATIONS--Any kind of ordinance violation, like surfing in an undesignated area, having an animal on the beach, and parking and curfew violations. PUBLIC CONTACT--Encompasses any contact the lifeguards have with the public, from answering questions about the water and air temperatures to rescues. LOGGED PUBLIC CONTACT--Something other that just a question answered by the lifeguards; requires lifeguard to leave tower. UNLOGGED PUBLIC CONTACT--When lifeguards answer questions about whether and time. SOURCE: Individual lifeguard jurisdictions
