
More Disillusionment Over Politicians’ Antics

After reading about Sen. Dennis DeConcini’s battle against the National Rifle Assn. (“Not Outgunned Yet,” June 20), I found myself wondering how many times is it possible to be disillusioned about the way the American government works.

I had hoped there were still politicians who lobbied or voted for a bill because they believed it was a good issue or important to their constituents. Instead, it seems the main factor is whether someone will vote for your bills if you’ve voted for one of theirs or gone to enough social events with them.

DeConcini wasn’t sure what he could do for Sen. John Warner that would persuade him to vote for his bill and seemed happily surprised that despite the fact that there was “nothing there” (how about a very necessary piece of legislation?), Sen. Lloyd Bentsen stood by him thanks to his “guts.”


Is Washington nothing but millionaire personalities back-scratching each other?


Los Angeles
