

Some legislative leaders have proposed creating or increasing a variety of fees for state services to close the budget deficit. Following is a list of the proposed increases, expected to raise $393 million: AFFECTED BY FEE: Parks and recreation REVENUE GAIN: $74.5 million COST TO USERS: Triple current park fees ranging from $3 per vehicle for day use up to $150 per night for group campsites AFFECTED BY FEE: Copies of vital records: birth, marriage, death certificates* REVENUE GAIN: $1.6 million COST TO USERS: Increase by 40%. Birth certificates, for example, would increase from $11 to $15 AFFECTED BY FEE: Day-care homes for children REVENUE GAIN: $5 million-$10.9 million COST TO USERS: Between $190 and $225 per home per year AFFECTED BY FEE: Resident students, University of California, Cal State University* REVENUE GAIN: $60 million-$79 million COST TO USERS: UC fees, currently $1,476, and CSU’s fees, currently $708, would rise 10%-25% AFFECTED BY FEE: Nonresident students, University of California, Cal State University* REVENUE GAIN: $6.3 million-$11 million COST TO USERS: UC fees, currently $7,275, and CSU fees, currently $6,414, would rise $100-$500 AFFECTED BY FEE: Resident students, UC graduate medical schools* REVENUE GAIN: $0.8 million-$2 million COST TO USERS: UC fees, currently $1,476, would rise 10%-25% AFFECTED BY FEE: Landowners in rural areas who get state fire services REVENUE GAIN: $12 million-$23.7 million COST TO USERS: $12.50 per structure per year AFFECTED BY FEE: Timber industry REVENUE GAIN: $5.2 million COST TO USERS: $16 per acre of timber harvested AFFECTED BY FEE: Goverment, industrial and agricultural water users that are issued waste-discharge permits REVENUE GAIN: $27 million COST TO USERS: Unknown AFFECTED BY FEE: Any large-scale water user, such as a farm or industry, holding state-administered water rights REVENUE GAIN: $7 million COST TO USERS: Unknown AFFECTED BY FEE: Large drinking-water systems, such as a public utility REVENUE GAIN: $3.6 million COST TO USERS: Unknown AFFECTED BY FEE: Workers compensation* REVENUE GAIN: $15 million-$60 million COST TO USERS: Employers would pay another $1.35 per $1,000 premium for every 10% rise in the amount they pay the state as their share of workers compensation AFFECTED BY FEE: Apprenticeship programs REVENUE GAIN: $4.8 million COST TO USERS: Unknown AFFECTED BY FEE: Pesticides REVENUE GAIN: $25 million COST TO USERS: Pesticide tax paid by producers and distributors would rise from 0.9 of a cent to 3.4 cents per dollar AFFECTED BY FEE: Pest detection REVENUE GAIN: $15.2 million COST TO USERS: Fee payable by growers of $0.0015 per dollar on sale of produce AFFECTED BY FEE: Diagnostic and treatment services for mentally retarded Californians at 21 regional centers REVENUE GAIN: $38 million COST TO USERS: Undetermined, but based on ability to pay * These are existing fees that would be raised. All other fees on this chart would be new.
