
Democrats’ Campaign to Defeat 2 Redistricting Propositions

The defeat of Proposition 119 in the June 5 election shows just how shoddy--and successful--deceptive campaigns have become, much to the detriment of the public.

Proposition 119 could have signaled the end of our state’s disgraceful redistricting practices, taking the matter out of the hands of the politicians. However, as voters sought guidance on the staggering array of ballot measures, they instead became the victims of a masterful con job.

Wouldn’t it be ironic if the same Hispanic voters warring with the county over the gerrymandering issue were among those conned into voting No on 119? Had the supervisors permitted a 119-like reform years ago, the constitutional rights of all would have been protected and the current costly court action, avoided.


I’m sorry the Times editorial pages chose to ignore the facts. The plain truth is that gerrymandering will continue to plague redistricting at every level as long as the matter is left to the politicians. That’s why I introduced a computer-drawn map in 1986, one that produced two and one-half predominantly Hispanic districts. However, it was rejected by a City Council, which then produced a gerrymandered monstrosity that robbed the San Fernando Valley of Council District 1.

Prop. 119 was a good step in the right direction. It’s too bad those few who bother to vote these days were tricked into not taking it.


Councilman, 7th District

Los Angeles
