
Countywide : Sign-Ups at Area Colleges Set a Record

Record numbers of students have enrolled in summer school at Ventura County’s three community colleges, where classes began this week.

Officials expect more than 10,000 students, including many who have returned home for the summer from four-year universities, to attend summer sessions at college campuses in Moorpark, Oxnard and Ventura.

At Moorpark College, where registration continues through Friday, 4,403 students have enrolled in summer classes, already exceeding last summer’s record of 4,011.


At Oxnard College, 2,037 students have signed up for classes, up from 1,963 who attended summer school last year.

Registration there continues through Friday.

Ventura College also reported a record summer enrollment of 3,945 students by Tuesday, the last day of registration, compared to last year’s enrollment of 3,858.

“It seems like more students are opting to take classes during the summer and have the credits transferred over to their four-year schools,” said Bill Bendat, dean of student services at Moorpark College.


Overcrowded classes at many of the four-year institutions are forcing many students to postpone taking general courses in English, history and math until summer, Bendat said.

“Then they play catch up,” he said.

Convenience plays a large part in persuading students to take summer classes at one of the area’s three colleges.

“They come here because it’s just as easy to take classes here and it doesn’t cost as much,” Oxnard College Registrar Delores Tabor said.


Average summer tuition for a California resident to attend either Oxnard or Ventura colleges is $15 per class. Moorpark College charges $50 to enroll in its six-week summer session.

The three colleges offer four-, six- and eight-week summer sessions.
