
Some Glad to See Agran Go; Some Hope He’ll Go Far

The June 5 electoral outcome in Irvine was a bitter disappointment to those of us who believe in the innovative but realistic kind of government that Larry Agran brought to this city.

Mayor Agran demonstrated that government, the business community and grass-roots citizens can work effectively together to create a dynamic, productive and compassionate community. His leadership empowered us to envision Irvine as it might be and to join with our neighbors in working for a quality of life determined by citizen power rather than by corporate convenience.

Regardless of the electoral outcome, however, the progressive community that has supported Larry Agran is still alive and thriving in Irvine. I believe that Irvine citizens do care about transportation, the environment, human rights, affordable housing, family reunification, open space and world peace.


Larry Agran’s foresight, integrity, optimism and compassion at City Hall will be missed, but the vision that he shared is far from dead.


