
International Economic Indicators

Index of Industrial Production The index of industrial production measures the volume of goods produced in a recent month against production in the base year 1985. For each county, 1.00=1985 production.

% chg. Previous Year from yr. COUNTRY Latest month ago ago AMERICAS U.S. (Dec.) 1.151 1.145 1.138 1.1 Brazil (Nov 1.176 1.276 1.064 10.5 Chile (Dec.) 1.321 1.415 1.317 .3 PACIFIC RIM Australia (Jan.) 1.08 1.28 1.012 6.7 Japan (Feb.) 1.203 1.209 1.166 3.2 S. Korea (Nov.) 1.753 1.707 1.705 2.8 Taiwan (Dec.) 1.408 1.386 1.448 -2.8 EUROPE/MIDDLE EAST Austria (Nov.) 1.052 1.08 1.042 .9 Belg. (Dec.) 1.04 1.212 1.038 .2 Britain (Feb.) 1.095 1.103 1.092 .3 Finland (Dec.) 1.135 1.143 1.134 .1 France (Dec.) 1.122 1.132 1.102 1.8 Greece (Sep.) 1.16 .999 1.163 -.3 Israel (Nov.) 1.028 1.07 1.045 -1.6 Italy (Feb.) 1.185 1.17 1.17 1.3 Nether. (Dec.) 1.08 1.053 .976 10.7 Norway (Dec.) 1.343 1.393 1.228 9.4 Spain (Nov.) 1.275 1.254 1.233 3.4 Switz. (Dec.) 1.075 1.067 1.057 1.7 W. Germ. (Feb.) 1.155 1.159 1.101 4.9 Yugo. (Dec.) 1.693 1.719 1.132 49.5

