
San Diego

A bank robbery suspect was captured Thursday by two people, including an employee of the bank from which the robber fled with $3,786, police said.

A man entered Grossmont Bank in the 400 block of West Ash Street at 9 a.m. Thursday and gave a teller a note that read, “Give me all your money, and no tricks,” police spokesman Bill Robinson said. After the teller gave him the money, the man exited through the front door, and the employee followed, Robinson said.

Robin Clark, a private investigator, said he and three other men were in a parking lot at 1st Avenue and C Street when the bank employee came up and asked to use a phone in one of the men’s cars to report the robbery.


Clark and the bank employee continued the pursuit and caught up with Robert Lee Swanson, 33, of Florida, in the 1000 block of 2nd Avenue, about three blocks away, Robinson said.

Swanson, who was unarmed, was held down until police arrived, within a minute. Police turned Swanson over to FBI agents.
